Paramount Taekwondo Birthday Parties
"Where Tomorrow's Leaders Are Built Today"
Paramount Taekwondo Birthday Parties
Our birthday parties were low key, and we thought they were tons of fun. You have children, so you know that a child’s birthday party in 2015 makes our celebrations look like child’s play. And you know what? That’s exactly what our parties were. This new breed of children, however, needs MORE.
A simple family party just doesn’t cut it anymore. Our world of instant and bight colored visual stimulation on a touch screen that fits in a pocket has reduced our version of celebrations to out-of-date. If you’ve ever thrown a birthday party for a child, then you probably already know that a kids party can be a bit overwhelming. They have THEMES. They have organized, kid friendly ACTIVITIES. They have grass-fed, free-range chickens in a petting zoo with 15 other animals who were transported to your backyard with a seminar on saving the environment and clean eating.
This level of partying cannot be sustained.
Our version of parties could never stand up to these bashes of Oprah-level proportions. As a parent, I know that I played a role in setting the expectation of out-of-this-world parties, and a stroll through most parenting blogs or Pinterest will give you plenty of reason to believe other parents are doing it too-- in a BIG way.
It’s time the nix the petting zoo, roll up the magic carpet and remind yourself to LET IT GO when you think of importing snow to create a winter wonderland. We LOVE our children, and we want to give them the happiest of birthdays. Achieving this seemingly Herculean task may be way easier than you think. Read on to see how you can “kick” it up a notch without going crazy.
Have Fun, Self-Esteem, Healthier Lifestyle
What makes our Birthday Parties the best?
Coming soon...
- Leave the planning to us
- Interactive events
- Enjoyable event for your kid